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Women Build Returns to the Roanoke Valley!

For the first time in five years, Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley is hosting a Women Build event in 2024.

The month-long event is set for May, with a focus on Women Build Week scheduled for May 6th-11th.

“Women Build events are important ways for Habitat-Roanoke to break down barriers for women in construction. We invite all interested women to join us on our construction sites to renew or learn new residential housing construction skills while they work alongside other community-minded women from the valley,” said Habitat-Roanoke’s Senior Director of Community Engagement, Betty Jean Wolfe.
This year’s event has some high goals set, including the recruitment of 150 women over the month to volunteer at least one six-hour construction shift. A fundraising goal of $50,000 has also been set as Habitat-Roanoke is striving to make Women Build 2024 an event for the record books.

“Not only do we want to help women realize skills they may otherwise not have a chance to use, but we want the construction sites to which volunteers are assigned to stand out as “Women Build Homes”, and thus build an enduring legacy of female empowerment that will stand for the ages,” Wolfe said.

Since 1991, Women Build volunteers from all walks of life have come together to build stronger, safer communities. 

Women Build is a terrific way to involve your friends and family of all ages in crucial work with a lasting impact. Women helping women sends a positive and powerful message.

Habitat-Roanoke’s goal is to empower women to help families build strength, stability and independence.

Habitat-Roanoke’s goal is to provide opportunities for hand-on learning to all who volunteer with us. We have seen first-hand that women unskilled in the construction trades or an unfamiliar with using power-tools can succeed in changing their communities for the better just by working with us on our construction sites for six-hours.

Our last Women Build event was in 2018. The onset of the COVID pandemic forced us to discontinue hosting other Women Build events until now.  Habitat-Roanoke hopes Women Build 2024 will once again make this popular volunteer platform an annual event.