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Ferrum Women’s Soccer Continues Teamwork Tradition

Roanoke, VA – For the ninth straight year, Ferrum College’s Women’s soccer team has come to the Roanoke Valley to assist Habitat-Roanoke on a house build, while at the same time, putting in work to help build their team.

This year the Lady Panthers are working on homes off Gilmer Avenue and Chestnut Avenue Northwest, which comes during the very first week of being on campus. Perfect timing for Coach Erin Saleeby to motivate her players through a special bonding experience by serving their community.

“All of the freshman are brand new. They’ve only been with us 24-hours. This is kind of their initiation in to the program,” said the sixth year head coach.

“It’s a great place for all of us to get involved where they are learning new skills together while learn about each other.”

Service as Part of the Recruiting Process

And while service is part of Ferrum Women’s Soccer, according to Coach Saleeby, an student’s service should begin long before they make their way to college. Service is one of the main extra-curricular activities her program recruiters look for because it is something that says a lot about potential future players.

“It allows me to know they (the recruit) are somebody that cares about other people. Our core value is serving others but we have another part of our culture, which is being “other focused”. That allows me to know that you are going to be a good fit into what our program is.”

Habitat-Roanoke Varsity Club

To help students achieve success in service prior to university, Habitat-Roanoke has created a program called, “Habitat Varsity Club”. This program an easy way for area high school students, sixteen and older, to start logging volunteer hours while learning new skills and getting to meet other service-minded students from around the Roanoke Valley. Whether as individuals or as a team, Habitat-Roanoke is eager to introduce young people to the gift of service. A program Coach Saleeby fully supports.

“In the application process, people look for that. What are you doing for other people? How are you grabbing your horizons? Are you able to step outside of your comfort zone?”

Interested in learning more about the Habitat-Roanoke Varsity Club? Contact David Tate at (540)519-5080 or email